Bergur Løkke Rasmussen, 33

Bergur Løkke Rasmussen, 33

Date of birth

Date of birth

March 4, 1990

March 4, 1990

Political party (National)

Political party (National)

Moderaterne (Denmark)

Moderaterne (Denmark)

Political party in the EP

Political party in the EP

Renew Europe (previously ALDE)

Renew Europe (previously ALDE)

In parliament

In parliament

MEP since 2022

MEP since 2022


Looking back at the last legislative term, what were the most significant achievements or challenges you faced as a young member of the European Parliament?

As a 33-year-old Danish politician reflecting on my last legislative term in the European Parliament, I would say that there were both significant achievements and challenges. One of the most significant achievements was being part of legislative efforts that addressed climate change and promoted sustainable practices across the European Union. Climate action is a pressing issue, and it was gratifying to contribute to policies that aimed to make a positive impact on our environment and future generations.

Challenges, on the other hand, were not uncommon. Being a young and relatively new member of the European Parliament meant that I had to climb a steep learning curve and maybe sometimes work harder to gain the respect and trust of my more seasoned colleagues. But I don’t see my age and relative lack of experience as potential drawbacks. 

How do you think your age and generational perspective have influenced your work and decision-making in the European Parliament? Can you provide examples of issues where your perspective differed from older colleagues?

My age and generational perspective have undoubtedly influenced my work and decision-making in the European Parliament. Europe is not as it was 10 or five years ago. So something needs to be done in a new way, and I think people of my generation has a better understanding of that. For instance, I have often been more vocal about issues that directly affect young people, such as safety, cooperation between the member states and the climate. I believe that a strong focus on these areas is crucial to create a better future for Europe.

On issues like digital innovation and data privacy, my perspective might have differed from some older colleagues who may not be as familiar with the rapidly evolving technological landscape. By advocating for forward-thinking policies in these domains, I aimed to strike a balance between innovation and safeguarding citizens' rights.

As a young MEP, I see the role of youth-led movements and activism as crucial in influencing policy decisions at the European level. 

Have you encountered any obstacles or biases in the European Parliament based on your age?

In terms of encountering obstacles or biases based on my age, I did face some scepticism initially, but I believe that through hard work and dedication, I managed to break down those barriers. The key is to prove oneself capable and knowledgeable, irrespective of age.

What are your expectations and priorities for the upcoming legislative term in the European Parliament? Are there specific issues or policies that you believe require urgent attention, especially from a youth perspective?

Looking forward to the upcoming legislative term, my priorities as a young MEP would continue to revolve around climate action, sustainable development, and issues affecting the youth. Additionally, I would advocate for more robust support for innovation, digital innovation, and the new situation in Europe to ensure that Europe remains competitive and adaptable in a rapidly changing world.

In light of recent youth-led movements and activism across Europe, such as climate strikes and social justice movements, how do you see the role of young MEPs in amplifying these concerns and translating them into policy actions at the European level?

As a young MEP, I see the role of youth-led movements and activism as crucial in influencing policy decisions at the European level. 

As representatives of the younger generation, it is our responsibility to amplify these concerns and work towards translating them into concrete policy actions.

Although there has been progress in recent years, more needs to be done to encourage young people to engage in politics and run for office.

How do you see the overall representation of young people in the European Parliament? What reforms or changes would you advocate for to enhance the representation and voice of young MEPs in the future?

Regarding the representation of young people in the European Parliament, there is still room for improvement. Although there has been progress in recent years, more needs to be done to encourage young people to engage in politics and run for office. I would advocate for reforms that promote youth participation, such as promoting young MEPs in their roles.

Overall, my experience as a young Danish politician in the European Parliament has been both challenging and rewarding. I remain committed to working towards a more sustainable, inclusive, and forward-looking Europe, and I hope to see more young voices joining the political arena to shape our collective future.

The most important files Løkke Rasmussen worked on for the last legislative term 2019-2023:

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